Our Philosophy
Reflects the distinct beat & rhythm of our service. We are committed to ensuring that our philosophy tells the story...of not only what WE believe , BUT also what YOU will see.
Our words BECOME our actions
Developing a unified & collaborative partnership with children, families and the wider community that focuses on a shared vision for children
Therefore we…
Create a rich social environment through constant communication with children and their families
Encourage families and allied health professionals to share their goals and visions for their children by seeking out further information that allows us to better understand each child
Regularly reflect on ways to routinely garner family input and feedback using different communication and social media platforms
Developing a play-based curriculum that is influenced by children, families, educators and the wider
Therefore we…
Have created a balanced program that integrates child led play with deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful educator supported learning
Recognise spontaneous teachable moments as they occur and use intentional teaching strategies to build on opportunities for learning
Utilise children’s cocnepts that emerge in play to inform planning
Incorporate play based strategies to support and extend children's learning
Fostering children’s understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history, and our shared identity as Australians
Therefore we…
Perform a daily Acknowledgement of Country led by our children that continues to acknowledge our commitment to caring for our Awabakal Land
Recognise and celebrate days of importance to our First Nations people in a respectful manner that aims at educating our children and their families
Endeavour to build an engaging culture with Elders and local community members
Create a play space that is visually rich in inclusion and antibias in relation to ATSI children and their
Children as being competent & capable resourceful learners
Therefore we…
Foster a home-like learning environment that allows children to make decisions that are driven by their interests and curiosities
Encourage children to take age-appropriate risks within physical, social, and emotional contexts and to push themselves beyond what they thought was possible
Consider ways that routines and resources can be accessed and used with autonomy and ensure that our provisions reflect our vision of children as being competent and capable
Encourage children to do things for themselves
Ensure that each child's strengths are built upon and any barriers to learning are recognised and responded to
Ensure that the diversity of children and families is reflected and respected in our environment
Faciliate access to inclusion supports and assistance where necessary
Enhancing our commitment to a sustainable future & protecting the planet
Therefore we…
Engage children in regular discussions surrounding sustainable education with the aim of providing children with the knowledge and skills to become environmentally responsible citizens
Role model sustainable practices through our own hands-on opportunities ie. Sustainability hub, worm farm, composting, recycling, Redcycle program & sustainable water usage
Have appointed a designated Sustainability Educational Leader to lead, drive and oversee our sustainability vision
Work collaboratively to create and implement a sustainability action plan to ensure that we are moving towards our vision of creating more sustainable future
Nurturing the educator’s individual qualities, strengths and interests through our ongoing commitment to professional development to support quality outcomes for children
Therefore we…
Financially and emotionally support each educator to pursue their own individual professional development opportunities based upon their own interests, identified strengths and weaknesses
Provide opportunities for educators to lead and oversee specific areas of service practices and projects using individual experiences, motivation, and expertise to drive quality and improvement
Every child's right to be and feel safe so that they can thrive & develop to their full potential
Therefore we...
Recognise children's right to self expression and to make choices and decisions in matters that affect them
Esnure children are empowered to speak up and are believed
Provide opportunities for children to participate to their full potential based on individual needs
Foster a culture of openness, trust, respect & kindness that supports our children & their families to discuss worries or concerns
Take out moral and mandatory requirements seriously & act professionally at all times
Prioritise child safety in what we say and do
Establish a strong organisational culture that puts child safety at the centre
Reviewed 2023/2024