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News and Events

What's been going on at Belmont North Preschool? Below you'll find all the most up to date information about what we are planning and what we have been up to.


Acknowledge & Respect










Our Commitment to a Sustainable Future

~  Guiding a new generation of Eco-Warriors ~

Another of our focus projects over the course of 2021, saw Lisa appointed as our Sustainability Educational Leader.  Lisa has been working hard leading the team on a service wide Sustainability Audit, bulking up our Recycling Hub & kicking us off with a hands on composting program, waste audit & our inaugural REDcycle (soft plastic) challenge.   

The children have been actively involved in sorting and classifying waste and recyclable items, caring for our worm farm, composting and weighing and recording the amount of REDcycle (soft plastic) waste we are colecting from lunch boxes each week.

In addition to this, the children have been learning about sustainable oceans and waterways, investigating ways in which waste products impact on our delicate marine ecosystems and animals.

We have enjoyed two local walking excursions already this year, one to coincide with Clean Up Australia Day & another to celebrate Word Environment Day.  Our rubbish spotting and collection walks proved to be a wonderful way for us to get out and about in our local community.

We have re-introduced our ever popular Take 3 for The Sea take home bags - 


2022 Enrolments

We have limited vacancies available for 2022 as we work through our external waitlist.  Please don't hesitate to contact us if you'd like to discuss your enrolment needs on 49 45 3341. 


Alternatively you can email your enquiry to: and we'll endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.

News and Events

What's been going on at Belmont North Preschool? Below you'll find all the most up to date information about what we are planning and what we have been up to.




Throughout 2023 and now into 2024 we continue with our commitment to our learning journey to authentically & meaningfully embed Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander perspectives into our program.  


We are waiting to lock in days in 2024 days with Aunty Steff who provides our group with welcomed insight and helps us to engage in shared learning and open dialogue.


Aunty Steff's sessions have been a wonderful addition to our program.  The children have been eagerly learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, perspectives and ways of being & knowing.  


Community Connections 

 We are very proud of the momentum we gained & maintained with our meaningful connections with our local community.

Belmont Neighbourhood Centre's Habitat in Harmony Community Garden 

We again celebrated a wonderful 2023 in partnership with garden volunteers, and look forward to continued collaboration again in 2024.   We are thrilled to have secured our very own preschool garden plot, that we can plant out and tend to it over the course of the year.  As the season's change, so does our produce!  

All the proceeds from the sale of the produce lovingly tended to by our children, educators & families, go directly to the Neighbourhood Centre & their projects!



Belmont North Primary School

We were very grateful for yet another wonderful community partnership that continues to go from strength to strength. We are very grateful for the commitment of Belmont North Primary School teachers who visit us weekly during Term 3 each year.  The children love the fun, interactive group sessions - serving not only to strengthen community connections but also the refinement & consolidation of a broad range of school readiness skills AND importantly promote a fun & positive image of BIG school.

These groups are followed by a play in the big school playground!



Acknowledgement of Country


We are proud to share our Acknowledgement of Country which has become an integral part of our daily routine.


New Ways of Thinking, Doing & Planning

-The Rose Way-

We are excited to announce that we are beginning a new journey in the planning and implementation of our Educational Program here at Belmont North Preschool in 2024. The Rose Way framework uses a strength based approach to education, using learning environments to inspire children to explore and learn through their play. It sees children as capable, competent citizens of the preschool community, and takes a child centred approach. The Rose way approach sees educators as the researchers of children’s play, and throughout the term, educators research a focus topic through their planning and observations of children’s play and participation in the program. This leads to meaningful planning and documentation. Each week planning for group learning is shared. The plans are implemented and educators observe how the children are playing and learning. This data is collated and shared with families at the end of the week through a document that will be displayed on our program board. All children are supported to engage in the program throughout the term and their involvement is included in the documentation shared at the end of the week. This document is a summary of learning, so while a child may not be represented in the documentation every week, they will be included regularly over the term. In addition we share meaningful conversations about each child’s involvement and also share photos of meaningful moments happening at preschool each day, and individual children will be regularly represented in these. Educators also observe and support children individually through the year, supporting their individual emerging learning.

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